The Republican debate in photos

AU student Kyle VonEnde interviews Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., in the spin room. Photo by Anna Sortino

Donald Trump fields questions after Saturday’s Republican debate. Photo by Anna Sortino

Melania Trump and her husband leave the spin room at the end of the night. Photo by Anna Sortino

Reporters trying to get in a question with Donald Trump. Photo by Anna Sortino

Donald and Melania Trump talking to reporters after the debate. Photo by Anna Sortino

Ben Carson visits the spin room after the debate. Photo by Anna Sortino

Reporters tweet from the spin room during the debate. Photo by Anna Sortino

The spin room was built inside a hockey rink. Photo by Anna Sortino

Guards watch the debate from the back of the spin room. Photo by Anna Sortino

The spin room at the Republican National Debate Saturday night. Photo by Anna Sortino

American University students tweeting the event. Photo by Anna Sortino

Journalists laugh as the candidates mess up the walk-in. Photo by Anna Sortino
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