‘Socialist pig’ campaigns for Sanders

Tazzy is ready for her close up.
There are many first-time voters in Manchester, New Hampshire, this year for the primary. Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., appears to be connecting with younger and older voters alike, and one of his youngest supporters is only 1 year old.
She’s yet to meet Sanders, but remains hopeful that the opportunity will present itself.
“Well it’s tough,” said Carole Soule, owner of Tazzy and Miles Smith Farm. “Sometimes security doesn’t let pigs in.”
Tazzy D. Moo is a pig, and Soule says she feels strongly about getting out to support her candidate.
Tazzy, Soule said, is a member of the socialist party and a native of New Hampshire. She made an appearance at the Radisson in downtown Manchester on Saturday, working the room as hotel guests and reporters were drawn in by her spirit and enthusiasm for politics.
“She’s got a real diva personality,” Soule said.
Tazzy loves the media, too. She hopes to meet her favorite pundit, Rachel Maddow, and wouldn’t mind running into George Stephanopoulos.
Socialist can be a dirty word in American politics, but Tazzy wears it as a badge of honor.
“As a farm animal, she gets unlimited healthcare, all the food she wants and there’s lifetime employment,” Soule said, explaining Tazzy’s political leanings.
Tazzy isn’t camera shy. Check out our full interview below:
Story by Stephen Cobb, Brynn Freeland, and Alaina Monismith.
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