Seeing New Hampshire fever up close

    /    Feb 8, 2016   /     Politics  /    Comments are closed  /    371 Views
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) at Clinton event in Bedford. Photo by Matt Waskiewicz

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) at Clinton event in Bedford. Photo by Matt Waskiewicz

MANCHESTER, N.H. – The 2016 election has been anything but predictable, but one thing that remains stable is the tradition of the New Hampshire Primaries, celebrating its 100th year today.

“The New Hampshire Primaries are like the Olympics,” as Carl Cameron from Fox News said to a group of us from American University who visited the set.

The filled-to-capacity town halls and significant number of supporters still trekking to attend rallies through a snowstorm showed how much people in the state — and all those out-of-town political tourists — still cared.

Some may argue that this is because of New Hampshire’s open primary rules that allow Independents to vote as well as Democrats and Republicans.

Amy Keaveney from Portsmouth said, “I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to vote. It’s too important.”

New Hampshire residents certainly take pride in their role in nominating presidential candidates. From carpenters to environmental engineers, everyone seems to comprehend what is at stake and the importance of exercising their civic duty. No storm can drench the spirit of the New Hampshire primary tradition.

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