Non-residents taking advantage of New Hampshire primary

MANCHESER, N.H. – This year marks the 100th anniversary of the New Hampshire primary and 96 years since it has been the first in the nation. Intensified media coverage has made the primary a significant event, but it’s really not just for New Hampshire resident.
Four friends —Andrew Brunn, Owen Schreier, Jack Lynn and Steve Francis — traveled from Massachusetts to attend a Gov. Chris Christie event and meet other candidates.
They said that even though they wouldn’t be voting in New Hampshire, they wanted to participate in the smaller, more intimate events that are seen here.
Journalists have interviewed people from Florida, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Maryland who have made the trip to get the up-close-and-personal access to candidates that’s not readily available in their home states.
For many New Hampshire residents, the primary is old news.
Christopher Connoly, a native of Manchester, said he doesn’t even notice the primary because he’s been around it his whole life. Connoly said, however, that he does vote in each primary.
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