Jeb Bush town hall in Bedford, N.H.

A child gets a boost to have a better view while former Gov. Jeb Bush mingles after a Q&A. Photo by Anna Sortino

AU students Shani Rosenstock and Ben Piccarreta interview Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. Photo by Anna Sortino

A woman who said she is a bit psychic asks Bush what his plans are for homeland security. Photo by Anna Sortino

The gymnasium reached capacity and several audience members viewed from standing room in the back. Photo by Anna Sortino

George P. Bush and his mother, Columba, watch Jeb Bush speak. Photo by Anna Sortino

Audience members raise their hands for the chance to ask Bush a question. Photo by Anna Sortino

A woman tells a story about the Veterans Administration mistakenly issuing a death certificate for her father, who was alive. Photo by Anna Sortino

A man asks the first question at the town hall featuring the former Florida governor. Photo by Anna Sortino

Bush speaks at a town hall in Bedford, N.H. Photo by Anna Sortino

A woman records Bush’s speech. Photo by Anna Sortino

Bush embraces his son, George P. Photo by Anna Sortino

George P. Bush introduces his father. Photo by Anna Sortino

Tom Ridge, former Secretary of Homeland Security, talks about the Bush family. Photo by Anna Sortino

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., supports Bush. Photo by Anna Sortino

A man enjoys complementary coffee while waiting for the event to begin. Photo by Anna Sortino

Bill Thompson, 68, says he likes to “vote strategically, for whoever causes the most problems for the other guys.” Photo by Anna Sortino

Sara Hoang is a politically active New Hampshire resident. “I really want to get my children involved as well,” she said of her son Connor. Photo by Anna Sortino

R. Matthew Cairns says he enjoys attending political events. “You get the feeling that when you’re talking to [Bush], he’s talking to you. Truly interested in the conversation.” Photo by Anna Sortino
![Aileen Bott, 92, proudly displays her support for former governor Jeb Bush. "[The Bush family] has done nothing but good," she said. Photo by Anna Sortino.](
Aileen Bott, 92, proudly displays her support for Jeb Bush. “[The Bush family] has done nothing but good,” she said. Photo by Anna Sortino
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