NH Rebellion focuses on campaign finance

MANCHESTER, N.H. — The New Hampshire Rebellion marched on downtown Manchester Saturday in protest of special-interest money in campaign finance. After several hours of both liberal and conservative speakers, the group rallied at the entrance of the park for a protest walk.
The group is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization whose “job in 2016 is to restore their hope and harness their energy to make reforming our democratic process possible, starting in New Hampshire.”
The organization leaders said the American government is both corrupted and controlled by the process of funding campaigns. Focusing on Citizens United v. FEC, the 2010 Supreme Court decision that allowed companies to spend as much as they want to support or oppose individual candidates, is one of the biggest issues the rebellion aims to tackle.
The group is set up in a heated tent here in a downtown park across from the high-profile major media covering the nation’s first primary, hoping to mobilize public and presidential candidates to declare their independence from big money in politics.
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